Thursday, November 14, 2013

Alright then...

Someone told me not that long ago that I should try blogging to get back into writing.  I used to write all the time when I was younger.  I'm not really sure why I stopped.  Life, I guess.  A husband, 3 kids, job...

But now that this little "project" has been brought to the attention of God, Facebook and everybody, I'm hoping the thought that someone could be reading it (aside from Mel, of course) will help motivate me to keep up with it.

Only time will tell I guess!

PS.  I promise to start posting more interesting things than just our dinner.  ;)


  1. Why you no post no more stuff? It been 1 week. WTH?

    1. I apologize. Starting the new job has thrown my life into a chaotic mess. Trying to get used to the new schedule and actually having to be on time again. lol I am shooting for a Jan 1, 2014 100% commitment to this blog and blogging. It's on my short list of resolutions for the new year!


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