Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Twenty Fourteen

Brought the new year in with family and friends playing Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity.  Ate way too much after being sick and only having toast, chicken noodle soup and ibuprofen for two days and ended up making myself sick all over again.  Hung out at home watching movie with the husband while the kids were back and forth from friends houses.  
The cat was unhappy with me since we left him home alone over night.  So when we first got home this morning and I laid back down, rather than laying with his face, nearly touching mine like he normally does, I got this:  
He seems to be over it though because laying in bed before I started typing this post, he was all up in my dance space again.  He can't stay mad at his momma.

A year ago today I stopped smoking.  I have decided if I can give up nicotine, I can give up caffeine.  Therefore, that is not so much a resolution as a next step in ridding me of all of my unhealthy vices. 
What soda is left in the house will be finished and we will not be buying anymore.  It will be water, juice and/or kool-aid from then on.  Not really sure if darling husband is completely on board but bless his heart for pretending. lol
Anyway, here is the first of hopefully daily blog posts.  Wish me luck on that too!!

Happy New Year!!!

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