Friday, November 8, 2013

This is it...

Welcome to the new, new, NEW blog!  I'm serious this time.  I will be 34 in less than 2 weeks and I've been thinking a lot about getting old lately.  I've spent the last nearly 4 years trying to hide from it, thinking that if I stop saying how old I'm really turning and just call it the anniversary of my 29th birthday, it would mean I wasn't getting...old.

My daughter, my first born that I was barely 20 when I had, turned 13 this passed August.  I'm the mother of a teenager.  A teenager.  I don't act much older than her most days.  Or feel much older for that matter.  When did I get so old?  When did she get so old?  Just a minute ago she was like, 3.  And now she's a mouthy, independent mini me.  I'm amazed.  And those boys.  They will be 10.  They didn't weigh 5lbs together when they were born and now they are gigantic little tiny men.

I just don't get it.

SO!  This is where I will chronicle the next stage of our lives.  Me accepting age and doing it gracefully, and them growing up.  Because, as you will see and may already know.  My kids are awesome.  And we're all incredibly entertaining.

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