Friday, November 8, 2013

First of the season...

Sickness, that is...the boys have been coughing for about a week.  Spencer started complaining of his chest hurting when he did and a sore throat.  He's been snotty and stuff since Wednesday night.  Got them both in today and bronchitis it is!  Spencer, more so than Adam but his chest still sounded gunky enough to concern their doctor enough to put him on meds as well.
They were not happy about missing school today.  I'm sure they will be growing out of that soon enough, but it did make me feel bad keeping them home.  So, we got McDonald's breakfast and the new TMNT Wii game to help soften the blow.  We had a nice afternoon of lounging around playing Wii and followed it up with a movie together.  All in all, sickies aside, it was a nice relaxing day.

Until of course it was time for Briannah to get home and ready for her first boy/girl party.  A "bonfire" to be exact.  It has been the debate all week as far as how late we would let her stay.  The party started at 6 and runs until midnight.  I got a good laugh out of that one myself.  We agreed upon a 10PM curfew and I will be the one picking her and her best friend up, so I know that's when she'll be leaving.  She was rambling on about thinking a boy at school is cute earlier before she left.  Hoping he isn't there tonight.  lol  I'm sure I'll hear all about it when I pick them up.

Well, it's back to work tomorrow after being home the last few days not feeling well myself.  Not looking forward to it.  Checked the schedule earlier and we are booked solid.  Hopefully it makes the day go by quickly.

Anyway, bye for now!

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